Originating with the city’s counterculture and free spaces, Amsterdam Alternative stands for collective action and radical political debate for the sake of a desirable future for the many, not the few.
The new issue of our newspaper has just been published in print as well as digital. We can always use some extra hands to help distributing these newspapers through every corner of Amsterdam. Please contact if you have time to help: info(at)amsterdamalternative.nl
Amsterdam Alternative publishes articles about free spaces, gentrification, politics, climate, music, art, housing and other urgent topics.
The aim of this project is to liberate real estate from the property market through acquisition, in order to create new free spaces in Amsterdam. Vrij Beton = Collective Ownership.
Solidariteit is een van de belangrijkste waarden die aan alle activisme ten grondslag ligt. Doneer aan het AA Solidariteitsfonds zodat wij krakers, vrijplaatsen en activisten financieel kunnen ondersteunen.
Check our photo/video/music page for photo reports, video content and the AA music mixes.
In the AA agenda you’ll find the public programming from our participating venues.
If you want to be kept up to date about our projects then please subscribe to our email newsletter.
Email contact:
General: info(at)amsterdamalternative.nl
Vrij Beton: vrijbeton(at)amsterdamalterantive.nl
Editorial: redactie(at)amsterdamalternative.nl
Ventilator cinema/bar: ventilator(at)amsterdamalternative.nl
Advertise: advertentie(at)amsterdamalternative.nl
Music reviews: music(at)amsterdamalternative.nl
Video: video(at)amsterdamalternative.nl
Book reviews: books(at)amsterdamalternative.nl
Postal Address:
Amsterdam Alternative
Jan Hanzenstraat 39-41
1053SK Amsterdam