Open: 15:00 - 15:30 hrs
Tickets: € 0
Line up: Porn Film Festival Amsterdam
Porn Film Festival Amsterdam stands for plurality, art, pleasure and community. Our overarching objective is to create an exciting and accessible space for very different bodies and sexualities to come together. We explore desire in all its diversity, addressing urgent questions with a positive and creative attitude.
From February 6 to 9, we celebrate sex with films, workshops, talks, performances, art installations and two parties.
My Friends I Never Loved Somebody
AntiGonna transforms the hallway and stairs of De Richel with deeply personal love stories. She reads excerpts from her diaries, adhering to three rules: they must be truthful, confined to a single page and include no names.
These stories remind us that in love, appearances and wealth are never what truly matters. Life throws us into absurd, ridiculous and unpleasant situations, yet what remains is the courage to embrace and celebrate those experiences.
AntiGonna (production AntiGonStaff) was born in Vinnytsia, Ukraine. She is an independent filmmaker, artist and trash model. She works in the genre of experimental video art, photography and VR. Under the AntiGonna pseudonym, she explores topics like fear in the form of altered sexuality, aggression and perversions. AntiGonna's goal is to create rituals that neutralize the horrors of existence, turning them into funny and simple ways to overcome traumatic experiences. That's why she uses a lot of autobiographical features convened with metaphors that give truthfulness to the image.
Performance | AntiGonna | 30’
Location: Theater De Richel, Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 282