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Sunday 12 May
OT301-Ventilator Cinema // 18:30 // € 0
The 2024 Joint Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony
Genre: Film
Open: 18:30 - 23:00 hrs
Tickets: € 0

Free entrance // Reserve a seat here

The lives of everyone connected to Israel and Palestine will never be the same since October 7, 2023. With tens of thousands of lives cut short, families torn apart, and children traumatized, now more than ever we need to continue to show up for one another to mourn and remember. We call for an end to the violence and demand a political solution that brings freedom, justice, and safety for all. 

We invite you to join us on May 12, 2024, at OT301 for a screening of the 19th annual joint Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Ceremony. The event will give a chance to get together, a room to reflect, to mourn, to acknowledge the pain of the other, and will provide an alternative - a narrative of grief, hope, and transformation.

The ceremony is led by Combatants for Peace and The Parents Circle - Families Forum who started this unique ceremony in 2005.  In 2017 they began live-streaming the ceremony across the world- that year 4,000 people joined physically in Tel Aviv, another 500 joined in Beit Jala, and 50,000 people watched the ceremony online internationally. In 2023, around 15,000 people joined the ceremony in Tel Aviv and over 200,000 watched the live-stream from across the world. 

It is inspiring to witness the numbers grow year after year, recognizing that the ceremony serves as a symbol of reconciliation and hope for so many, this year more than ever, we hope you will join us!

18.30: Doors open
19:15: Introduction by Palestinian & Israeli activists living in The Netherlands
19.30: Screening of the ceremony 
20.45: Processing together 
21.30: Drinks & Getting to know each other

The Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Ceremony offers an alternative - a narrative of grief, hope and transformation. By way of music, personal testimonies and speeches, our joint ceremony commemorates all the victims of the conflict. It serves as a clear call to action to solve the conflict in a just and peaceful way. When we recognize the pain and humanity of the “enemy” then our pain, fear and hatred can turn to acceptance and solidarity. The ceremony has become a call to change, and a symbol of hope that peace is possible for both peoples.

Combatants for Peace (CfP) is a grassroots movement of Israelis and Palestinians, working together to end the occupation and bring peace, equality and freedom to our homeland. Committed to joint nonviolence since our inception, we use civil resistance, education and other creative means of activism to transform systems of oppression and build a free and peaceful future from the ground up. Launched in 2006, we are one of the only movements worldwide that was founded by former fighters on both sides of an active conflict. As a result, we were nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017 and 2018.

The Parents Circle – Families Forum is a joint Israeli and Palestinian organization made up of more than 600 bereaved Israeli and Palestinian families all of whom have lost a loved one to the conflict and have chosen a path of reconciliation rather than revenge. The Parents Circle operates educational and public awareness activities among Israelis and Palestinians using the power of our narratives to promote reconciliation.

Free entrance
Reserve a seat here