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Saturday 30 September
OT301-Ventilator Cinema // 15:00 // € Free entry
AA Launch event - Webdocu Collective Ownership
Genre: Screenings, expo, talks, podcast recordings and more
Open: 15:00 - 23:59 hrs
Tickets: € Free entry

Today, Saturday 30 September, Amsterdam Alternative is launching their webdocu about collective ownership.
During the daytime (from 15:00-00:00 hrs) there wille be screenings, expo, booksales and talks in te Ventilator cinema and bar. Entrance for that is for free.

At night we‘ll finish off the launch with a big party. The party will be happening from 22:00-03:00 hrs in the OT301.
On the line up we have Kimmah, Zgjim and more to be announced. Expect Techno and Experimental Electronics.
Tickets for the party are €11 at the door €9 in presale. Buy tickets here.

The webdocu
Since mid 2022 Amsterdam Alternative has been working on a webdocu about collective ownership (collectief eigendom). This webdocu will be on online project, launched on, in which articles, audio, photography and video will be combined to explain everyting there is to know about collective ownership. It will be an inspiration document as well as an archive and manual. 
In the webdocu people and organizations that are working with collective ownership constructions are being portrayed and topics like the commons, squatting, activism, steward ownership, regeneration, collectivity, rights of nature and degrowth have been researched and connected to the main topic.
Portrayed organizations are: Kapitaloceen, Lenteland, OT301, OCCII, Het Domijn, BuyWorld, CLT H-buurt, Bajesdorp, De Warren, Voedselpark Amsterdam, Grond van Bestaan, De Nieuwe Meent, WBVG, Vrijcoop, Ecodorp Boekel, De Bonte Hulst, De Vrouwenschool, Ons Nieuwe Hof, Rotterdams Woonnootschap and many more.


Ventilator cinema
15:00-22:00: Ongoing selection of screenings taken from the webdocu

Ventilator bar:
16:00-16:30: Basta! podcast recording: In conversation with Eline (Lenteland) + Sophie (Regeneratie Cooperatie) over regeneratie
17:00-17:30: Basta! podcast recording: In conversation with Ivo over de webdocu
19:00-19:30: Basta! podcast recording: In conversation with Chandar (De Warren) + Selcuk (De Nieuwe Meent) over wooncoöperaties
20:00-20:30: Basta! podcast recording: In conversation with David (Kapitaloceen) over landbouw in collectief eigendom
20:30-00:00: Bar open

Ventilator hallway
15:00-00:00: Ongoing exhibition
15:00-22:00: Starfish booksales

Made possible with financial support of AFK and Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie