Saturday 14 September
Tickets Cinetol // 20:00 // € 6,50
Melquisedec + Siebren Smink Trio
Genre: Dreampop, modern folk
Open: 20:00 - 23:00 hrs
Tickets: € 6,50
Line up: Melquisedec, Siebren Smink Trio


Songs of intuitive expression. In serene and intimate environments. Honest. Owing to Latin American Folk. Owing to Modern Music. Owing to Artaud and Lorca. In awe of Feldman and Drake

Dulce op Youtube - Sofia op Youtube - Facebook

Siebren Smink Trio

‘If all you have is music then you don’t have music’’ said Wayne Shorter. So Siebren Smink put his guitar down and started to look into the world. Enjoying life, places, people, things and great moments, he sat down and he started to write music. He asked his good friends Enea Besana and Omer Govreen on drums and bass and they started to play. The result: Energetic, propelling and dynamic music that will take you on a journey.

Spotify - Youtube

Unfortunately Tiigre has been cancelled due to ilness. Instead Filip Przybyło will play some electronic tracks before and between acts!


Select tickets
Standard ticket € 6.50
No longer available
Subtotal € 0,00
Service costs (€0,60 per ticket*)€ 0,00
Total € 0,00
* After covering the transaction costs, the remaining money is used to keep the Amsterdam Alternative newspaper available for free