Friday 04 April
Tickets OT301-Studios // 22:00 // € 10
Genre: Drum and Bass, Jungle
Open: 22:00 - 03:00 hrs
Tickets: € 10
Line up: Madcap (UK), MiesFM, Defect, IPKISS, Shredder

The very first edition of Break-Out in Amsterdam. After two years of hosting events in Enschede, it is time that Break-Out makes an appearance in Amsterdam. Break-Out is an underground Drum and Bass night where we put the emphasis on UK style Drum and Bass. Expect underground Drum and Bass and Jungle, both old school and new school.


Select tickets
Break-Out € 10.00
Available until 4 April 2025, 23:30
Subtotal € 0,00
Service costs (€0,60 per ticket*)€ 0,00
Total € 0,00
* After covering the transaction costs, the remaining money is used to keep the Amsterdam Alternative newspaper available for free