Saturday 08 February
Tickets Filmhuis Cavia // 11:00 // € 7
Fuck Your Friends
Genre: Sex-positive
Open: 11:00 - 13:00 hrs
Tickets: € 7 / or Cineville
Line up: Porn Film Festival Amsterdam

Porn Film Festival Amsterdam stands for plurality, art, pleasure and community. Our overarching objective is to create an exciting and accessible space for very different bodies and sexualities to come together. We explore desire in all its diversity, addressing urgent questions with a positive and creative attitude.

From February 6 to 9, we celebrate the plurality of sex with films, workshops, talks, performances, art installations and two parties.

Fuck Your Friends
This is an ode to the friends we fuck, the friends we want to fuck, the friends we eye fuck, the friends who want to fuck us, the friends we love too much to fuck. This is an ode to love, tension, fun, mini heartbreaks, acceptance, safety, hard conversations, ever-changing dynamics and drunken kisses. In a perfect world, there might be a lot more friend fucking. This block draws us into that world. So come on in and make some friends ;)

Dancing Bodies | La Fille Renne, Elisa Monteil & Laure Giappiconi | 2019 | France | 6’

Bodyphoria Bangers | anna ivanova, Lo-Fi Cherry | 2024 | Germany | 17’

masturbation(s) | PornProcess | 2023 | Belgium | 16’

Friend Zone | Sakura Ardila Ortiz | 2023 | Colombia | 10’

Gamètes | CLAP! Collectif - Nova Luv | 2024 | Belgium | 16’

Guacamole | Carmina | 2019 | France | 16’

Total duration: 81 min + Q&A


Location: Theater De Richel, Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 282

Ticket information: Each day there will be a limited number of tickets available at the cinemas. You can get them on the day and location of the screening itself.

Cinevillers: If you haven't claimed your ticket 30 minutes before the screening starts, it will be sold to people on the waiting list.

Select tickets
General € 7.00
No longer available
Cineville € 0.00
No longer available
Subtotal € 0,00
Service costs (€0,60 per ticket*)€ 0,00
Total € 0,00
* After covering the transaction costs, the remaining money is used to keep the Amsterdam Alternative newspaper available for free