Genre: Film screening
Open: 19:30 - 23:00 hrs
Tickets: € 4
Open: 19:30 - 23:00 hrs
Tickets: € 4
A community film in which the role of the energy transition in the community of the Shetland Islands is explored. The oil industry once brought money to the place, but now a large wind farm is taking over the islands. This raises questions about land ownership, about climate versus conservation, and creates tension in the community. Five members of this community came together to make this film, which includes a fictional story combining experiences and visualising their image of the future, and the communal filmmaking process.
Cato Draaisma, UK, 2023
40 min. English spoken, English subtitles.
Doors open: 19:30 hrs
Start film: 20:00 hrs
Q&A and drinks affter the film